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5 Things You Must Have on Your Instagram Bio

5 Things You Must Have on Your Instagram Bio

Instagram is the most popular social media platform, with over a billion users. If you want to grow your audience on Instagram and reach more people, then take a look at your bio. It's one of the most important parts of your profile! Here are five things that you need in order to optimize your bio:

Search-friendly name.

Search-friendly name. This is a must for your Instagram bio! Your page name on Instagram does not need to match your username/handle, so you can make it as long or as short as you want. Make sure that it isn't too long, though: if the search bar is tiny and people have to scroll to see all of it, they'll probably just skip over your profile altogether. And make sure that it isn't too short either—if you only have one word in there (like "grams"), then people won't be able to find you easily unless they're already very well-versed in how everything works on Instagram.

Remember that this is an opportunity for you to use keywords that people are searching for right now and thus could help bring them back into conversation with your brand/page!

For example:

A specific description of your business.

  • Describe what you do in a few words.
  • What are your core services? What problem or struggle do you help your Ideal Client solve/improve?
  • Make sure it is clear and concise, using relevant keywords that people are searching for.
  • Don’t use too many hashtags (#). Complete sentences aren’t necessary—you don’t need to tell them everything about what makes you unique!


Emojis are a great way to stand out from the crowd.

People love emojis, and they’re used more than ever on social media. If you have a unique personality, this colorful little character can help you connect with people. You can say a lot while taking up very few characters!

Secondary keywords.

Secondary keywords are words that describe your business and help people find you. They're very specific to the industry you're in, whereas primary keywords are general terms used by everyone. For example, if I were a graphic designer, my secondary keyword could be "logo design," while my primary keyword would be "graphic design."

Knowing what secondary keywords can help you rank higher in search results and make it easier for people who need your services to find them.

What should they be? Well, they should be as specific as possible while still being relevant—you want these words to represent exactly what your business does best!


You don’t want to be passive on your Instagram bio. A call-to-action is a statement that encourages the visitor to take a specific action. It can be a link, a phone number, or a discount code.

It's important to use this to convert your followers into customers. Don't be shy about asking for their email address! If you have something valuable for them in return for their email address (like an ebook), then go ahead and do it!

These five things will help you reach more people on Instagram.

For starters, you'll want to make sure you have a search-friendly name. This means using both the first and last name of your business, rather than just the first name. If a potential user does a search for "Jane Doe" or "Doe Fitness", they will not find their account! You also want to make sure that nothing in the bio is too long or confusing—this is not where you should include your entire mission statement!

Next up: write a specific description of what your business does and who it serves. Don't just say "lifestyle blogger", be more specific (like "travel blogger"). This helps people know if they're looking at the right account when they see someone's photos on Instagram Stories or in search results on mobile."

Emojis are great because they let people know how passionate (or sarcastic) you are about certain things! If there's an emoji that describes how you feel about something, use it—it'll help build rapport with followers and attract new ones. For example: I'm pretty excited about this article so far 🙂

If there are any secondary keywords related to what your brand offers (i.e., fashion blog), add these as well! These secondary keywords help ensure that anyone doing searches related to those topics will find your page easily."

We hope you found some great tips in this article. If you’re still struggling with a bio that fits your business, don’t worry! There are so many different ways to find the right one for your brand. You can always hire an expert like us who will help you develop the best plan of action for your company—and save time doing it!